哈佛医学院的W. Allan Walker博士是2014年哈佛益生菌研讨会组委会主席。他在会议结束后赶上了肠道微生物群,以概述活动概述。




其次,我们努力努力获得现场的绝对权限......您可能会欣赏演示文稿的质量。通过获得很多人 - 我们有超过450多名签名 - 它允许在咖啡休息和午餐时间进行互动。它还允许刚刚开始在该领域的年轻人获得他们的海报并获得现场一些已建立的调查人员的一些反馈。所以有很多积极的边缘福利。它还倾向于提供练习可能对共生细菌有助于减少对抗生素和其他事物的需要的兴趣的良好信息。



在研讨会上有一些问题,我认为需要跟进:在生活中所有阶段的饮食的重要性在微生物群的影响,这反过来影响人是否健康或发展疾病。The comment that Dr. Stanley Hazen from Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland made, he quoted a review article that is about to be published… [it] points out what’s happening: lifestyle, including diet, influence intestinal bacteria, which in turn influence expression of disease. And this is shown by many of the investigators when they take either a human or experimental disease, take the microbiota from the patient with the disease, put it into a germ-free animal and [they] show the same symptoms, strongly suggesting that the microbiota are like an ancillary organ in the body. I think that’s something that needs to be pursued further.






我的个人兴趣,因为我是儿科医生,是“我们如何最大化新生儿的初始殖民?”这取决于宝宝出生的本质,无论是自然交付还是是凯瑟尼亚剖面,无论是婴儿是否在围产期都会受到抗生素。And what we’re finding, and we have longstanding funding to look at this, [is] that breastfeeding is an important adjunct to normal delivery, and produces the optimum intestinal microbiota, leading to stronger health for the baby, and then the child and adult.

已经有许多观察结果来看婴儿的最佳条件。That is, natural vaginal delivery and exclusive breastfeeding for the first four months in the context of expression of disease later in life: there’s reduction in allergy, there’s reduction in diseases such as celiac disease, and some think, although that’s not as strongly proven, that that may also have an influence on whether a child becomes overweight and obese.